Writer's Introduction

First of all, I welcome you to my blog. It is my first blogging site. Little afraid also excited. 

I am Muntafia Islam. Sometimes go by Moon. It's short yet sweet. Also have to admit it's one and only. I am student at Centennial College, currently pursuing a degree in Public Relations Management. In my current program I am learning so much, not just on PR perspective, also on design aspect, writing foundations, project managements, event management, and yes financial view as well. 

I like to paint, not very good but pleasant, love playing with colours. As each colours tells it's own stories. I also like to take long walk in the nature, and watching the sky. 

Big fan of the famous show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Love watching Disney movies

Looking forward to the future days. Happily living life as the waves may come small or big. 




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