

Recently, after watching a documentary on women empowerment, I began to to question myself? What a woman can not do?  One woman is equal to a troop of soldiers on a battlefield herself, ready to face any war coming on her way. Great stories in history reminds us of the names of Khajija ra, mother of Musa, Fatima, mother Teresa,  Laxmi Bhai etc.   These are not just stories; these are upon real characteristics. A woman is once daddy’s little girl, same girl in few years, holds high courage, at times to difficult to even imagine. Women are mother symbolizing love and compassionate, yet they can be harsh and aggressive.    Women are just like water; they can take shape anywhere according to need. They can stay calm, also can bring storms. Every single woman is born with power within themselves to achieve and do anything they wish.    [image: Nataliia Vzyshnevska  / Alamy Stock Vector ]
 A person is defined by their values 
Why make simple goals, make SMART goals 
  Did you know, internet generates search result uniquely each time? Social media algorithms create "Filter Bubbles". Learn more at:
Effects on high technology With the increase of high technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are we being benefited or suffered? I would say both. Yes, we are being extremely benefited because it reduces manpower and make tasks easier for our daily life. At the same time it is hammering our brain and memory tremendously. Don't agree with me? Lets ask yourself, how many phone numbers or friend's birthday you use to have memorized? and how many do you remember now? well I use to remember over 10 phone numbers and many birth dates of my love ones. Now I remember 4 phone numbers and couple birthdates. Shocking yet true. Now you make decision how much you want to depend on google or any forms of technologies.
  Where are Humans and Humanity standing if this is the mentality??? poster built on movie District 9, protesting against aliens.

Influencer Relations

    Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field.  An  influencer  is someone who has: the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she actively engages. Paid influencer collaborations are paid/share also influencer engagement in-kind are earned/share.  We might ask what a brand actually looks for and buys, brands buys, they sponsor posts, creative content partnership, event attendance and promotions, Brand ambassadorships, consultations and display advertising and email promotions.  Using influencer on brand recognition is a great strategy. Its like brand is not only buying influencer time and content also their followers and fans.