
Showing posts from October, 2020

Social Media Strategy

Many individual, groups or companies big or small uses social media as marketing purposes. Reviewing the strategies are important before starting the process. Following the guidelines may help achieve the goals.  Key messaging is very important. Key messages should be short and simple for audience to understand the message easily.  Setting a timeline and tracking the calendar is necessary to the keep the process flowing.  Steps to create Social Media Strategies  Research your audiences and audit your current social media presence SMART goal setting based on objectives Plan your content strategy Implement your strategy Evaluate: measure your progress Iterate your strategy based on findings Build your brand by getting people to recognize your name and associate it with your products and services Attract new customers by driving traffic to our social media channels or company website where they can sign up for products or services Support sales by answering prospects’ questions and

My First Photoshop Project

This is advertisement for Behr Paints Canada. The targeted audience is both male and female from age 18 and above. The overview of this image is a small neighborhood or a town filling up with colors. Encouraging the residents to paint their home and dreams with choice of their own paints. The background represents a blank canvas. The paint on the tree, blue clouds and grass illustrate the quality of the paint, saying it is as real as it looks. On top, Behr company logo, contact information, and location of where it can be found. Behr Paint is available exclusively at The Home Depot (logo provided, promoting Home Depot as well).  

Social Media Audit

    Social Media audit take place within a company to systematically examine social media data. The process is to gather data of both external and internal of the company using native analytics and/or third party tools, competitor's data and consumer engagement data (both own and competitors). Then analyze and interpret collected data, and repeat the process periodically to measure change over time. The social media audit is one of the best possible ways to identify strengths and weaknesses (internal) and opportunities and threats (external).  social media audit helps your business refocus your social media marketing on your business goals. An audit will show you how well you are performing, what should be changed, what your priorities should be going forward, and how well your team is equipped (or not) to make the most of social media. [a researched based blog on social media audit and importance]

Digital Marketing

    What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is  Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. It is one of the largest strategy that is being used today. It can reach people to any part of the world.  As mentioned, attention can only be reached not bought. As Keith Quesenberry said, "Even with the paid social media options today, marketers, advertisers, public relation professionals can only buy "reach" into some social media channels - they Can not buy attention ." There are four main categories of digital marketing, paid, shared, earned and owned. Paid media is paid content exposure, for example, display ads, pay per click, sponsored posts, retargeting etc. Earned media is discussed but hold on control, for example, user generated content, shares, mentions, repost, tagged etc. Shared me

Point of View

Have you ever tried to change your point of view?  Last night, I was randomly lying down on the other side of the bed, soon I realized how the room looks totally different. Good different. My same old room, started to seem new and rather exciting. And as it said "changes are heathy"  So why not try. Let's try to see our world from a different angle.

Social Network

     Everything is tied in knot on social media. Social network works like an hub. In Social Media there are many types of relationship, in which the "nodes" are not people but websites, social media platforms, ecommerce products etc.  There are forms of community affiliation, that includes, pools, webs and hubs. Social Media platform are like groups of people, with similar or difference interest. Many implement social media platform as their marketing strategies. For example Instagram for campaign purposes, similarly, social platform Youtube many uploads videos of their interest, of their opinion, showing creativity and vlogs, still they can not expect confirmed number of audience and subscriptions. Attention can only be requested, can not be purchased.  

Use of Social Media

     Social Media, as we live in world full of social media, what comes in our mind when we think about social media? Facebook, twitters, Instagram, Wiki, YouTube, Digg, LinkedIn and many many yet to discover. Why do we use social media? Usually for better Communication, get insight on a topic (reviews and feedback), issue, product or services, promotional purposes, effective interactions, larger social network, swap opinion, largest number of audience, easily accessible etc. The invention of social media is for sure an revolution. It has given many voices and freedom. We commonly use social media to connect and send messages around the globe. As It is a tool of interaction at the same time its the reason of isolation.  With the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic the use of social media rapidly. Since, most users are spending more time indoor, at home or in a small gathering. The main medium of communication has become social media. Many are opening new channels on social media, pe

Writer's Introduction

First of all, I welcome you to my blog. It is my first blogging site. Little afraid also excited.  I am Muntafia Islam. Sometimes go by Moon. It's short yet sweet. Also have to admit it's one and only. I am student at Centennial College, currently pursuing a degree in Public Relations Management. In my current program I am learning so much, not just on PR perspective, also on design aspect, writing foundations, project managements, event management, and yes financial view as well.  I like to paint, not very good but pleasant, love playing with colours. As each colours tells it's own stories. I also like to take long walk in the nature, and watching the sky.  Big fan of the famous show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Love watching Disney movies Looking forward to the future days. Happily living life as the waves may come small or big.